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What's in this for me?

In the corporate world we often ask ourselves "what's in it for me?". I want you to ask yourself the same question about what can yoga do for you!

Here is what's in it for you:

Do you want to be able to approach a tough conversation with calm, and the ability to remain empathetic, and listen, even if things aren't going "your way"?

Do you want to sleep better at night and turn off your monkey mind?

Do you want to be able to center yourself before that big meeting so you can make a killer presentation?

Do you want to stop your back/thighs/shoulders/neck from hurting after sitting for extended periods of time?

Do you want to be able to take a few minutes for yourself?

Do you want to have better posture / less pain?

Do you want to improve your emotional intelligence?

Do you want to be able to forgive yourself for mistakes you have made?

Do you want to be able to tackle uncomfortable situations with more confidence?

Stick around here, come back often, read and try the exercises that have worked for me. I want to walk you through what I have learned from the 8 limbs of yoga and share with you how they have positively impacted my life. Not every single thing that works for me will work for you, but I guarantee you will get a benefit. Is there something you have heard yoga has helped someone with and you want to know how? Contact me and let me know, I'll include it in an upcoming blog post. I look forward to spending my time with you. Namaste, The Desk Dwelling Yogi

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