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The calm before the storm

Are you antsy? Do you have a big meeting or presentation coming up? Do you wish you could calm yourself in less than 5 minutes? You can.

This is one of my favorite breathing exercises. I've done this in the car before work, sitting in front of my computer, even at a traffic light when things have been getting to me. My favorite way to do this is sitting in a chair or even laying on the floor (though I admit, I can't do that when in the office).

The goal is to breathe at a rate of five breaths per minute, that generally translates into inhaling and exhaling to the count of six. If you have never practiced breathing exercises before, that is OK, you may have to work up to this practice slowly. Start by simply counting your inhalation (1... 2... 3...) pause at the top, and then count your exhalation (1... 2... 3...) pause at the bottom and repeat. Now count your inhalations and exhalations 10 times.

Feel calmer? If not, keep going.

Sometimes this helps me in as few as two to three breaths; other times I have to do this 10 to 15 times.

-Desk Dwelling Yogi

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