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Stop beating yourself up

We can get caught up in negative thoughts, it is really easy to do. Perhaps something went wrong with a project you were working on, perhaps you spoke to sharply to a coworker or a loved on, and you are ruminating on that. You keep playing the scene over and over in your head, or you are reflecting on what you could have done differently, better.

Stop. Stop right there. It is OK to be human. You can use mantras with your breathing exercises to change your thought patterns. Pick a simple one or two word positive statement for your inhale and then pick a simple one or two work positive statement for you exhale. It can be as simple as <<inhale>> "I will" <<exhale>> "Let go". Take a deep breath in, through your nose and say (in your mind) "I will", pause, let your deep breath out, through your nose and say (in your mind "Let go", pause. Repeat this 10 times. I've done this when I've been beating up on myself for making a mistake, using "I will" and "forgive myself", I've even done this when I've been frustrated with others using "I will" and "forgive soandso". You choose, what positive do you want to focus on? Pick it and breathe it. There is a great article on Mindful sharing scientific evidence that nose breathing impacts our brain. Read it here:

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