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Simple Slouched Shoulder Relief!

I know that throughout the day I don't take enough time for myself. I get into a groove with working and before I know it a few hours have passed. I bet you do the same thing, it seems to be the way of the world now. On top of that, with longer hours for work, then coming home and playing on the computer, iPad, iPhone, etc. we are constantly hunched over. I've found a simple way to stretch out my shoulders and incorporate breathing. If I remember, I admit, I don't always, I try to do this a couple of times throughout the day. Sitting on the edge of my chair, with my feet firmly placed on the floor, I inhale deeply and sit up straight. I make sure my shoulders are above my hips and my ears above my shoulders. Then as I take an inhalation I raise my shoulders up, like I'm shrugging, and on an exhalation I press them straight down and away from my ears. I repeat this about 10 times. On my next inhalation, I shrug, and on my exhalation I roll my shoulders forward. Inhale, shrug, exhale, roll my shoulders back and down. I do this rolling another 10 times. This forces me to take a break and stretch out my shoulders, as well as breathe. I find that throughout the day I breathe shallowly and this can increase tension; a forced break with deep breathing helps relax the mind, and adding the shoulder shrugs and rolls really loosens them up and takes away from the physical tension. Do you feel your feet planted against the ground? Do you feel the expansion and contraction of your lungs as you breath? Do you feel the tension and release as you move through the shoulder positions? If you are present, and aware, you are doing yoga. -Desk Dwelling Yogi

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