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Are you fully present?

With hectic lives, working longer than 9 to 5, juggling friends, family, time for self, and so many other activities that we do these days, I bet you find yourself zoning out and simply moving through the day, one activity to the next.

When we aren't fully present and aware we don't realize what emotions we are having, we don't notice that the stress and tension are building, and sometimes those can get the better of us. What if you could change that, become more aware of what is going on inside of you, emotionally and physically? It is a simple concept that has been written about many time, I'll share with you how I practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is about being present in every situation. That can be overwhelming to think about. Instead, break it down into manageable chunks and practice mindfulness in little things each day. When you drink your coffee, take the time to be fully aware of what is going on. How does the coffee cup feel in your hand, what is the temperature of the cup, how does the coffee taste, how do you feel as you sip on that coffee? When you take your morning shower, feel your feet connecting with the shower floor, feel the water as it runs down your body, realize the temperature of the water, are there any scents or sounds? By practicing mindfulness in simple activities, it actually becomes easier to practice mindfulness in more complex situations. You become aware of the sights, sounds, physical and emotional feelings of the situation and you are better able to respond in a calm fashion. You are aware of your feelings and needs, you take a deep breath, and you can respond. I'm not perfect at this, I don't know anyone who is. This isn't an overnight fix, this is a life long journey that will bring you more calm, more peace, and even more joy. -Desk Dwelling Yogi

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