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Meditation - Day 9

I now know why they say a minimum of 10 minutes a day to achieve the benefits of meditation. It all became perfectly clear last night as I sat down to meditate.

My experience today: I was done working, I had had dinner, and i didn't need any more steps for the day. Perfection. Until I sat down. First 2 minutes, fidgeting. Next 3 minutes, mind racing, trying to focus on breath. Get up, pause the timer, figure out where that noise is coming from, was the stupid robot vacuum stuck somewhere. Nothing, cannot find the source of the noise. Sit back down, un-pause timer, and breath. Remind myself "I am here", "I am breathing". Finally, calming sets in and the brain slows down. 5 good minutes of meditation.

I am most definitely overcommitted right now, between a job with long hours, I'm also teaching yoga, and randomly decided to start selling Stella & Dot jewelry which I love. This is definitely helping me keep my sanity.

Because I only got 5 good minutes of meditation in before the alarm went off, I decided to explore other positions that were more comfortable, focusing on my breath. Ahhh, another 5 minutes of meditation.

Overall feeling calmer, cooler, more collected. With the aforementioned craziness, let's see how this keeps going.

Lessons learned: Take my hearing aids out before meditating. That will definitely keep the noises I hear to a minimum. It was also very nice to extend the meditation by 5 minutes when I knew the first 10 weren't ideal.

-Desk Dwelling Yogi

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