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Meditation - Day 17

So I was pondering if meditation is like working out. Can you break your meditation into multiple chunks a day, like exercise, and still get the same benefit?

My experience Thursday: In the early afternoon I had a 30 minute break from work, I was able to have my lunch and decided to meditate for the last 5 minutes before my next meeting. As usual I was fidgety and monkey brained for the first few minutes, but I did experience some calming, and I was definitely present. Late in the day, I had another short break and decided to get in another 5 minutes of meditation. Same thing, fidgety and monkey minded, but eventually falling in. Both times I was calmer, breathing slower, slowed heart rate, etc. But not as great as when I do a full 10 minute meditation.

Lessons learned: I think you can break meditation into "chunks" so to speak, throughout the day. That being said, I think I would need to break them into 10 minute "chunks" versus 5. I really need the full 10 minutes, right now, to achieve the full centering benefit. Perhaps as I'm able to meditate longer this will be a good way to get some meditation in throughout the day. For now, I'll stick with one 10 minute meditation session.

-Desk Dwelling Yogi

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