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Meditation - Day 24

I'm going to start by saying I cannot believe, that as of yesterday, I have been meditating for 24 days! While it has been hard at times to fit it in, and I've missed a couple of days, I really have been enjoying it.

Thursday morning I found myself with a few spare minutes at the office and decided another morning meditation sounded like a good idea.

My experience Thursday: Not quite 10 minutes this time, only 7. I had put my computer on mute, but I forgot to turn my phone volume off. Ooops. Quite startling. As usual it took me a couple of minutes for the monkey mind to slow down and stop intruding on my peace. Again, I was fidgety (I mentioned yesterday my office chair is not very comfortable, I forgot). But I was able to still find a moment, just for me, while sitting in my office. I was present, I was aware, and I enjoyed a few minutes of breathing. I also snuck in about 5 extra minutes later in the day.

Lessons learned: I need to find a way to schedule 10 minutes of meditation in the AM when I start work. I would use my Outlook calendar to remind me, but then I would be forced to open Outlook and I have a bad habit of starting to scroll through email immediately.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a reminder, that doesn't require Outlook?

-Desk Dwelling Yogi

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