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Yamas: Brahmacharya - Conservation of Energy

Our next Yama, Brahmacharya brings a lot of debate. It is often touted to mean celibacy, as I'm not a sanskrit master I am not sure if that is an exact definition or not. Instead, I will focus on expanding the idea of conservation of energy.

The goal of all the yamas is to self regulate in our interactions with the external world. Brahmacharya is meant to help us advance to self actualization by using our energy in the most efficient way possible. Do you worry about unnecessary things (heavens knows I do)? That is "wasting" of valuable energy. Do you ever "fly off the handle" over little things? Also, "wasting of energy". Do you find yourself drained at the end of the day? There has either been energy wasted or you haven't done something to fill you cup back up!

Think about the concept of spending your time doing things that improve you, improve your thought patterns, and improve your relationship with the external world. If we harness our energy most efficiently, we have no option but to improve and excel.

-Desk Dwelling Yogi


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