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To studio or not to studio?

As we move through the pandemic that has had us doing just about everything from home, things will start to return to "normal"... As people get their vaccinations they are going to want / need interaction with other people, that is to be expected.

What about the yoga studio for classes versus the virtual studio? Both have great merit and it really is about what motivates you and what your needs are.

For some, the commitment of physically going to a studio drives them to show up and take the class; for others it is a barrier. The barriers can be broad: they aren't comfortable in a studio setting for various reasons, the closest studio is too far away, they don't prefer the style of yoga offered at the local studio.

Beyond that, there is cost; studios can be more expensive than virtual, but not always. If that is a concern for you, look into it, talk with the owners quite often there are options you may not even realize are available.

Some feel a studio offers more personalized attention as the instructor can see them; this may or may not be true - some instructors teach the class they have prepared, regardless of what the bodies in front of them want/need. This is true in virtual classes as well, as teachers we have to go the extra mile to learn our students, their wants and their needs since they aren't right there in front of us. I want to take that time to get to know my students, even if that means referring them to other virtual classes/physical studios. Yoga is about you.

My preference, right now, is to not return to a studio and work on my practice in my space; taking online classes here and there to continue my learning (yoga is a lifelong learning experience); that may change in the coming months as there are some wonderful studios near me where I feel at home and I there are others I want to try that feel warm and inviting. Obviously, there are other studios I don't prefer for various reasons (mainly where it feels like yoga is a competition and that isn't yoga at all. More on that in another post).

What draws you to online classes versus studio classes, which do you prefer and why and has that shifted over the past year?

Note: If you ever want to take my class and have financial concerns, let's talk - I truly want everyone to be able to take classes


-The Desk Dwelling Yogi

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