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Why I believe you should get to your yoga class a few minutes early

It is easy to get behind in your day and wind up rushing to your yoga class, sprint in the door, throw your mat down, and breath a sign of relief you made it on time. Many studios even lock the doors once class begins so that late comers don't disrupt those who are there on time (or a few minutes early). This is even easier in today's age of virtual classes, you can go from working on the computer to opening the link for your class 1 minute before it starts, or even after centering has begun.

I believe that you should get to your yoga class a few minutes before it starts, at least 5 minutes if not more. It helps you settle deeper into your practice and here is why:

1. Yoga is about more than the asanas and the breath. It is also about community. If you get to your class with seconds to spare you don't get to know that community, the others in class, the teacher. Right now, with the pandemic, this may be our only form of community. Even if it is online, there is a chance to engage.

2. Many times the teacher may share tips and tricks about a certain sequence or to help alleviate common issues. For example, if I know I have someone in my class who cannot be on their hands and knees or struggles in down dog, I will share the alternative shapes/additional props to use before class (if the person is there). That way when I'm cueing multiple options the person has had the chance to see the alternative and potentially experience the alternative so that it feels better in their body.

3. Getting to class a few minutes early allows you to settle in. It allows you to take a few moments for yourself and shift from the external to the internal and ask yourself what you need on that day. In a fast paced world with shifting focus and priority, this can deepen your practice immensely.

Do you get to your class a few minutes early? If not, try it for a few classes and observe any differences you feel.

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